'Shopify iOS SDK error: Value of type 'Storefront.ShopQuery' has no member 'currencyCode'

I'm getting started with Shopify's iOS sdk and in following the official readme on GitHub, I keep getting an error that I can't get rid of. I've followed the setup and pasted the example code line for line and I get This error no matter what project I try to use it on (full code in attachments)

Value of type 'Storefront.ShopQuery' has no member 'currencyCode'

How can I fix this error?

import Buy
import Pay

class shopify {
    let client = Graph.Client(shopDomain: "-", apiKey: "-")
    func example() {
        let query = Storefront.buildQuery { $0
            .shop { $0
                .refundPolicy { $0
        let task = client.queryGraphWith(query) { response, error in
            let name         = response?.shop.name
            let currencyCode = response?.shop.currencyCode
            let moneyFormat  = response?.shop.moneyFormat

Solution 1:[1]

You find this in paymentSetting, I guess

let query = Storefront.buildQuery { $0
        .shop { $0
            .paymentSettings { $0


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Solution Source
Solution 1 David Mardashev