'Store multiple secrets in Keyvault with one Azure Cli command

Sorry, Noobie here. Perhaps it is a very easy and obvious answer but I am trying to store an extensive list of keyvault secrets and am looking for an easy-ish way to do it compared with entering each one at a time. I figure using the CLI would be a quicker way to get this done than the Azure Resource Manager interface.

Solution 1:[1]

Don't know if this will actually help anyone because its so basic but I ended up creating a for loop script in bash that takes the input files as variables and dynamically creates the keyvault and populates said keyvault with the values based on the values.txt name.


bash keyvault_creator.sh key.txt vault1.txt




az keyvault create --location <location> --name "${value%.*}" --resource-group <ResourceGroupName>

paste $key $value | while read if of; do
  echo "$if" "$of"
  az keyvault secret set --vault-name "${value%.*}" --name "$if" --value "$of"

Solution 2:[2]

If by "ARM Interface" you mean a template, there is a template already written for this case: https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/tree/master/quickstarts/microsoft.keyvault/key-vault-secret-create


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Akira_Yam
Solution 2 bmoore-msft