'Summation/multiplication of a list of tuples

I'm trying to figure out a simple operation that takes a list of (Int, Int) tuples and multiplies the tuples internally and then sums those results. Example:

val list = ((9, 4), (1, 5), (4, 6))

Would evaluate to (36, 5, 24), which would then evaluate to 65. I was thinking I could take the list then pattern match for a single tuple, not unlike:

   case x => x(0)._1 * x(0)._2

But this would just take the first tuple and multiply each component. I suppose I could do an aggregation, but I don't know how I'd approach that.

Solution 1:[1]

((9, 4), (1, 5), (4, 6)) is not a list but rather a tuple of tuples

val list = List[(Int, Int)]((9, 4), (1, 5), (4, 6))
val result = list.map{ case (a, b) => a * b }.sum

Solution 2:[2]

First take all tuples and multiply the components. This can be done by using a map which will process each tuple individually. After that call sum on the resulting list which will sum all elements together.

val res = list.map(x => x._1 * x._2).sum

The case is not necessary here and you can't use (0) since the elements of the list is tuples, not lists themselves.

Solution 3:[3]

You can use ListBuffer way as

val list = ((9, 4), (1, 5), (4, 6))
val listBuffer = new ListBuffer[Int]
for(tuple <- list.productIterator){
  val (a, b) = tuple.asInstanceOf[Tuple2[Int, Int]]
  listBuffer += a * b

which should give you

ListBuffer(36, 5, 24)

and calling sum function as listBuffer.sum should give you 65

Solution 4:[4]

Here is another approach using collect on a list

scala> val list = List((9, 4), (1, 5), (4, 6))
list: List[(Int, Int)] = List((9,4), (1,5), (4,6))

scala> list.collect{
  case ele => ele._1 * ele._2
res1: Int = 65


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Denis Makarenko
Solution 2 Shaido
Solution 3 Ramesh Maharjan
Solution 4 Puneeth Reddy V