'SwiftUI prevent onReceive from firing on load

Is there any way to prevent onReceive from firing when the view initially loads when the variable I'm trying to receive is a @Published property of an @EnvironmentObject?

Here's the view:

struct ContentView: View {
    @EnvironmentObject var appState: AppState
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
        .onAppear() {
            appState.test = "World"
        .onReceive(appState.$test) { test in
            print("Hello from onReceive: \(test)")

Here's the environment object:

public class AppState: ObservableObject {
    @Published public var test = "hello"

And output:

Hello from onReceive: hello
Hello from onReceive: World

I'm guessing the first one is fired when the environment object is injected. Is there any way to prevent this (other than some hackish bool that I set in the onAppear)? Ideally I'd like to only see "Hello from onReceive: World" This is just a simple example. On my actual app I am fetching data from a service in onAppear, in my environment object I have an error state that when cleared, I want it to fire the onReceive do some other logic then refetch.

Solution 1:[1]

It is publisher, so you can use any combine operators. In this case .dropFirst solves your task:

    .onReceive(appState.$test.dropFirst()) { test in
        print("Hello from onReceive: \(test)")



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Solution 1