'There are still screenshot uploads in progress. Apple App Submission

Whenever I tried to Submit Review for my app, I got the following error message even I've uploaded all the required screenshots.

Unable to Submit for Review

There are still screenshot uploads in progress.

When I pressed view all files in Media Manager, I got gray blank picture screenshot which I've uploaded.

Blank Screenshot after uploaded Grey Blank Screenshot

Here is the screen for error message. Error Message

I've been stumbling on this issue for a whole day already.

Does anyone has faced the same issue? and How to get rid of it?


Solution 1:[1]

Apple seems to have solved the problem.

The images that were in the upload process yesterday, this morning were already uploaded and I've been able to send my application for review.

Solution 2:[2]

The most useful method is not to wait, but to constantly re-upload the waiting pictures

Solution 3:[3]

I compressed my images using compressjpeg.com. Now they uploaded fine.

Solution 4:[4]

I'm also facing the same issue, I just delete all my screenshot from every device and upload again and then getting the same issue, then after waiting a whole day, the next day I checked my images were uploaded.

It would appear that a Server side issue. While they fix it, we may need to trust that all photos will be prepared: on the off chance that you revive like clockwork, you will see that a few pictures that were gray with a cloud symbol are currently handled. I attempted and it would seem that it is a poorly conceived notion to attempt to supplant them once more. They all become dim once more. So how about we simply stand by until they are totally handled, while they work on the issue.

Useful link: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/649241

check my post: Error: There are still screenshot uploads in progress. On Apple App Submission

Solution 5:[5]

I also encountered the same issue (at least a similar symptom): I uploaded screenshots for the 6.5 & 5.5 displays and other displays also, but when I click the "Submit for review" button, it gave me the same error as above.

In my case, the solution is:
> DO NOT use JPG, simply convert the screenshots to PNG and upload, then the issue is gone. (E.G.: I was using Mac Preview app to convert/export the JPG files to PNG)

By the way, the preview is not mandatory, I didn't upload the preview video but still, I can submit it successfully.

Solution 6:[6]

Our problem was uploading wrong size to Apple, e.g.: for 6.5 we uploaded the 5.5 images and vice-versa. Once we uploaded the proper images we need to wait for about 5 minutes and Apple allowed us to submit the app


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 L33MUR
Solution 2 Zero
Solution 3
Solution 4
Solution 5 fanyangxi
Solution 6 Hung