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proc report to create table as it is

I am working on PROC REPORT. i want to crate table as it is data have; input A B $ C E F G I K L M N; datalines; 1 japan 190 46 15 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 us 152 39 47 86

Assigning values to elements of a list based on random choice

I am currently attempting to program Conway's game of life, and am currently at the stage where I am simply attempting to initialize a randomized board. I began

SolidJS Router useNavigate() throws: Error: Make sure your app is wrapped in a <Router />

Even though my App is wrapped in a Router tag, when I use useNavigate() or the <Navigate /> element I get the same error login.tsx:27 Error: Make sure you

Change selected text in Sketchware

How can I change selected text in edittext on Sketchware by clicking button. Anyone please help me... I am try to only change selected text in edittext. But in

how to get a value from a python code to a Javascript variable in JS file

I'm trying to develop the frontend in Javascript for a voice bot, which was written in python if hi == 0: talk('hello iam kavi') print('hello iam kavi V

Semaphore - What is the use of initial count? To create a semaphore, I need to provide an initial count and maximum count. MSDN s

How to generate range of numbers from 0 to n in ES2015 only?

I have always found the range function missing from JavaScript as it is available in python and others? Is there any concise way to generate range of numbers in

Different sort results after coalesce(1) vs repartition(1)

I have the following script which returns properly sorted result: from transforms.api import transform, Output from pyspark.sql import functions as F @transfo

Prevent spamming sockets

I am making a multiplayer game using Here is a part of my server code. io.on('connection', (socket) => { console.log("socket has connected!!")

how do i adjust my code to become a recursive reverse sum loop

I have a simple recursion method for reversing a list lst = [1,2,3,4,5] will print as [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def revlist(lst): if len(lst)