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Change schema name strategy in confluent Kafka

I am using confluent Kafka and schema registry and I cannot figure out a way to have custom schema name in python. From this blog I got how to do it in Java, bu

git pull and git push in one go

Is it possible to have git pull and git push in one git command? The syntax like git pull & git push doesn't suit me completely, since I need to provide my

How can you determine if a number is sum of some squared numbers?

I have an algorithmic question: How can we determine if a number equals the sum of some different squared numbers? For example : 50 = 4*4 + 5*5 + 3*3 And, If it

Getting SignalR Client to work with Azure SignalR Server

I have inherited an Azure SignalR Web API app written in ASP.NET Core 5, and I'm having trouble creating a client that works with it. I'm new to SignalR. Also,

How do I find the repetition size in a scanned texture?

Given the scan of a fabric (snippet included here, it could easily be A4 size at 600 dpi) what would be the best method for finding the repetition pattern in th

How to download a CSV file in Ruby on Rails?

In my InvoicesController I have this: def index @invoices = current_user.invoices respond_to do |format| format.html format.xls format.csv # no

Fetch Post request not working in Custom functions Office Addin [TypeError: Network request failed]

I having been facing this error in custom functions excel Add-in, where I'm trying to call an external service inside a custom function. It works fine for a GET

Migrating nearly 5TB of files from DigitalOcean Spaces to AWS S3

What's the fastest and most secure way to migrate flat files (nearly 5TB) from DigitalOcean Spaces to AWS S3 bucket?

Asymptote compiled on Git Bash gives Cygwin Error

I recently installed Asymptote 2.78 and GhostScript 9.55 (as the MikTeX installation on Windows screws them both). I also deleted the old MikTeX packages. I wan

HOW TO run pose estimation on single image with TensorFlow-Lite?

I recently used this sample of great TensorFlow lite in android. I can use this project correctly, but I want to estimate poses on single images too (not just i