'Unable to locate the .NET SDK as specified by global.json, please check that the specified version is installed

trying to start a .NET console application. Would prefer F# but get the same error in C# or VB as well.

Unable to locate the .NET SDK as specified by global.json, please check that the specified version is installed. I get that warning as soon as I create a new application, and get it as an error when I try to build.

This is using the default Hello World templates that come with Visual Studio. I would expect the prebuilt templates that ship with the app to build first time. Using VS 2019 16.8.5.

I have searched Visual Studio project and the source directory and can't find any global.json.

The errors

EDIT: Found the global.json at C:\users\username

  "sdk": {
    "version": "3.1.300",
    "rollForward": "latestMinor"

Which I'm fairly sure I have the SDK installed for but will double check.

Solution 1:[1]

I would advise removing that global.json file instead of just adding latestMajor to it, since it's in a place where it probably shouldn't be. Having one in the root of C:\users\your-name with that value is functionally equivalent to not having it in the first place.

The general purpose of a global.json file is to lock down the SDK version used for a specific codebase. For example, this can be helpful if you're using a CI system that can install a .NET SDK based on a global.json file, so you don't have multiple places to update your toolset over time.

Solution 2:[2]

Check rollForward is disabled or not If disabled the make it latestMinor

"rollForward": "latestMinor"

Solution 3:[3]

In my case my global.json was referring to an SDK I didn't have. Run the below in terminal

dotnet --list-sdks

That will give you the list of all the SDK's available update your global.json file to the version you have


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Phillip Carter
Solution 2 Sameer Bahad
Solution 3 Ricky G