'Undefined Auth0 dependencies

I have a Lumen application by following this tutorial ( Tutoorial Lumen )

I ran this command : composer require auth0/auth0-php , it works without failure And after that I put that in my Middleware ->


namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Auth0\SDK\Exception\InvalidTokenException;
use Auth0\SDK\Helpers\JWKFetcher;
use Auth0\SDK\Helpers\Tokens\AsymmetricVerifier;
use Auth0\SDK\Helpers\Tokens\TokenVerifier;

But, when I have that part of the code :

public function validateToken($token)
        try {
            $jwksUri = env('AUTH0_DOMAIN') . '.well-known/jwks.json';
            $jwksFetcher = new JWKFetcher(null, [ 'base_uri' => $jwksUri ]);
            $signatureVerifier = new AsymmetricVerifier($jwksFetcher);
            $tokenVerifier = new TokenVerifier(env('AUTH0_DOMAIN'), env('AUTH0_AUD'), $signatureVerifier);

            $decoded = $tokenVerifier->verify($token);
        catch(InvalidTokenException $e) {
            throw $e;

I have error on every Auth0 things :

  • Undefined type 'Auth0\SDK\Helpers\JWKFetcher'
  • Undefined type 'Auth0\SDK\Helpers\Tokens\AsymmetricVerifier'
  • Undefined type 'Auth0\SDK\Helpers\Tokens\TokenVerifier'
  • Undefined type 'Auth0\SDK\Exception\InvalidTokenException'

Someone know why ? Thanks a lot in advance


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