'Updated - Create text_channel in specific category

So I am trying to create a text channel in a specific category. It worked but suddenly it's not.

This is my Code:

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord.utils import get
from discord.ui import *

intents = discord.Intents().all()

token = "_TOKEN_"
pref = "§"
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=pref,help_command=None,intents=intents)

async def on_interaction(res):
    chan = discord.utils.get(res.guild.text_channels, name=f"ticket-{res.author.name.lower()}")
    if res.channel.id == _CHANNEL_ID_:
        if chan != None:
            return await res.respond(content="Sie haben bereits ein offenes Ticket!")
        maincategory = discord.utils.get(res.guild.categories,name="Tickets")
        overwrites = {
            res.guild.me: discord.PermissionOverwrite(view_channel=True),
            res.author: discord.PermissionOverwrite(view_channel=True),
            res.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(view_channel=False)
        overwrites[_ROLE_ID_] = discord.PermissionOverwrite(view_channel=True)
        overwrites[_ROLE_ID_] = discord.PermissionOverwrite(view_channel=True)
        channel = await res.guild.create_text_channel(f"ticket-{res.author.name}",category=maincategory, overwrites=overwrites)
        embed = discord.Embed(title="Willkommen auf deinem Ticket",description=f"Hier kannst du mit den Admins und dem Support privat schreiben. Mit **{pref}close** kannst dieses Ticket schließen, wenn dein Anliegen geregelt ist.",color=0x00aaff)
        await channel.send(embed=embed)
        await res.respond(content="Ticket erstellt!")

async def ticket(ctx):
    embed = discord.Embed(title = 'Support Request',color = 0x00aaff)
    embed.add_field(name="Wenn du: ",value="- Probleme auf dem Server hast.\n- Vorschläge für den Server hast.\nZum Erstellen eines Tickets drück den Button unter der Nachricht.")
    embed.set_footer(text="Ticket System")
    button = Button(label="Erstelle ein Ticket!",style=discord.ButtonStyle.green, emoji="📩")


And this is my error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\ofcha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\discord\client.py", line 343, in _run_event
    await coro(*args, **kwargs)
  File "c:\Users\ofcha\OneDrive - Berufskolleg Bergisch Gladbach\Anwendungsentwicklung\Private\Discord\testbot2\discordbot.py", line 288, in on_button_click
    channel = await res.guild.create_text_channel(f"ticket-{res.author.name}",category=maincategory, overwrites=overwrites)
  File "C:\Users\ofcha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\discord\guild.py", line 948, in create_text_channel
    data = await self._create_channel(name, overwrites, ChannelType.text, category, reason=reason, **options)
  File "C:\Users\ofcha\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\discord\guild.py", line 844, in _create_channel
    'id': target.id
AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'id'

I don't get it. I tried to get solutions for my problem but nothing solved. Now I am trying to get help, pls.


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