'Visual Studio for Mac how to collapse regions and methods

I couldn't find a way to collapse/expand regions and sections from Visual Studio for Mac.

If someone could share how to do that, it would be very useful.

Solution 1:[1]

You need to go to Preferences >> Text Editor >> General as on the image below and you will see Code Folding area.

Visual Studio for Mac Code Folding area

You can check whatever you need and you will see code folding blocks in your code.

Solution 2:[2]

menu > help>

type "folding" ,

then move the mouse over list items.


Solution 3:[3]

Yes.. You can follow this key patterns to collapse and expand all the methods.

Shift + Option + Command + ArrowDown
  • Shift + ? + ? + ?

OR Follow the Image Screenshot:

enter image description here


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 Igor F.
Solution 3 Sayed Muhammad Idrees