'What's the recommended way to format currency symbols in a locale-agnostic way?


I want to have a standard way of formatting prices regardless of the locale. Currently, the output format is locale-aware (as with NumberFormat):

Monetary amount Format with locale es-ES Format with locale en-US
Money.of(1234, "EUR") 1.234,00 € EUR1,234.00

Generated with this gist


  1. Do you see any problem with this? Perhaps I'm not considering some consequences of this decision
  2. What's the best way of accomplishing this with Moneta?


I've been able to get the desired output by overriding the Locale in the AmountFormatQueryBuilder to force it use the locale I prefer:

    static String format(Money money, Locale locale) {
        MonetaryAmountFormat formatter = MonetaryFormats.getAmountFormat(
        return formatter.format(money);

but this would require having a Map<Currency, Locale> that will hold the desired locale for each currency that should be extracted from the MonetaryAmount.

This solution looks like a workaround and I just want to get some insights from the community.

Solution 1:[1]

Ok, I think the answer to this question is here: https://github.com/JavaMoney/jsr354-ri/blob/master/moneta-core/src/main/asciidoc/userguide.adoc#42-registering-your-own-formats

By registering a new format using the JSR’s SPI mechanism, we can override the default format and have it work the way we want


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Solution Source
Solution 1 gfournier