'when i try to install android application, "app not installed" and stopped. how to fix it

When we try to install our android application, "app not installed" error came and stopped. how to fix this issue and we want to install our application and have to debug my app in android studio. My mobile having android 11 version, and android studio updated with chipmunk version.

Solution 1:[1]

If you generate an apk and it doesn't even install (because of the message you get) check if you have a previous version installed. If so you can either:

  1. Uninstall de previous version and install the new one
  2. Change the version code in Manifest, it has to be greater to the current one. You should also check (if you sign the apk) that the key is the same, I had a similar problem.

Other causes could be:

  • Check that the minSdk is equal or lower than 30 (Android 11) to garantee your device is compatible
  • How big is your app? Maybe you don't have enough space in your device
  • Maybe your .apk file is just corrupted, try to compile it again

Solution 2:[2]

In android studio, Build option-> Build Bundle(s) -> Build Bundle's / Build APK's -> Build APK's

I have installed that build APK, finally installed


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Antonio P.
Solution 2 chanthini begam