'When i use GetReportData from the Package ‘RGoogleAnalytics’, the data stop being fetched after sometime

When i use GetReportData from the Package ‘RGoogleAnalytics’, the data stop being fetched after sometime.
E.g If the data to be fetched has 100,000 rows it stops after fetching some rows and doesnt return a dataframe.

This is what i see in the console.

Getting data starting at row 10001

Getting data starting at row 20001

Getting data starting at row 30001

Getting data starting at row 40001

Getting data starting at row 50001

Getting data starting at row 60001

Getting data starting at row 70001

Retrying it a multiple times makes it work somehow. Some times it works with paginate_query = T and sometimes it works with paginate_query = F.

I dont know the reason of it not working in the first attempt. Would really appreciate any help.


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