'When use gogs as private git server, can I use a video in README.md?

I deployed a gogs application as our company's private git server.

To show an experiment result, I encoded a couple of statistital graphics to a video by H264 fourcc with opencv-python and pyav. The snippet looks like this:

video = av.open('data/benchmark_res.mp4', 'w')
stream = video.add_stream('h264', 12)
stream.bit_rate = 8000000

for i in tqdm(range(1000000, 101000000, 1000000)):
    im = plot_each_million(df, i)
    if i == 100000000: cv2.imwrite('imgs/poster.png', im)
    stream.height = im.shape[0]
    stream.width = im.shape[1]
    frame = av.VideoFrame.from_ndarray(im, format='bgr24')
    packet = stream.encode(frame)


Here, the function plot_each_million() called during each iteration is a self-defined function which returns a numpy.ndarray as a image.

The video generated was tested by insertion into any other webpage. Since with H264 formatted, it works well all the time.

The way I use to insert the video to Gogs' README.md is just a pair of H5 <video> tag:

<video controls autoplay loop poster="imgs/poster.png">
  <source src="benchmark_res.mp4" type="video/mp4">
  <p><a href="benchmark_res.mp4">download</a></p>

So is this feature not supported? Or anything goes wrong?


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