'Why do ephemeral segments get smaller with an increase in logical CPUs?

I'm currently reading up a little about garbage collection in .NET and found this Microsoft article about it. My question is about the section Ephemeral generations and segments. There is this table:

║                                 ║ 32-bit ║ 64-bit ║
║ Workstation GC                  ║ 16 MB  ║ 256 MB ║
║ Server GC                       ║ 64 MB  ║ 4 GB   ║
║ Server GC with > 4 logical CPUs ║ 32 MB  ║ 2 GB   ║
║ Server GC with > 8 logical CPUs ║ 16 MB  ║ 1 GB   ║

Now what I don't understand is why the size of an ephemeral segment decreases with a higher logical CPU count, can anyone explain?

P.S if this question better suits the Software Engineering SE or any other please let me know so I can move it there

Solution 1:[1]

Because in Server GC the number of Managed Heaps is equal to the number of logical CPUs.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Qingchuan Zhang