'Why does vinyl.isVinyl() return false for vinyl files emitted by gulp?

I am learning about the gulp source code and tried to write a gulp plugin.

Now I am confused about something.

This is my plugin code below:

module.exports = function(){
    return through2.obj(function(file,encode,callback){
        console.log(file._isVinyl) // undefined

        // the reason ? file is not Object of vinyl ? file's property of '_isVinyl' is undefine ?

            file.contents = file.contents.pipe(through2(function(chuck,encode,callback){
                    callback(null, chuck);
                    chuck = new Buffer(String(chuck)
                        .replace(commentReg, '')
            file.contents = new Buffer(String(file.contents)
                .replace(commentReg, '')

This is the part of the gulp source code where vinyl files are created:



The transformFunction registered with though2.obj() receives a file object that should be a vinyl file.

Why does vinyl.isVinyl() return false?

Why doesn't the file object have a _isVinyl property?

Solution 1:[1]

This is a matter of which versions of vinyl-fs and vinyl you look at on Github and which versions of vinyl-fs and vinyl your local gulp installation is using.

You probably installed gulp from npmjs.com by typing:

$ npm install --save-dev gulp

This currently installs version 3.9.1 of gulp. You can see which versions of vinyl-fs and vinyl the 3.9.1 version of gulp depends on by using npm ls. Here's the (abbreviated) output from that command:

??? [email protected]
  ??? [email protected]
    ??? [email protected]

So [email protected] depends on [email protected] and [email protected] depends on [email protected].

Here are links to those version on GitHub:


As you can see on GitHub [email protected] does not have a ._isVinyl property. Only newer versions like [email protected] have this property.

Since [email protected] emits vinyl files using [email protected] the vinyl files emitted by your gulp installation don't have the ._isVinyl property. And that's why the vinyl.isVinyl() function returns false in your example.

The current development version for the upcoming gulp 4.0 uses [email protected] . If you were to install that version of gulp the vinyl.isVinyl() call in your example would return true.


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