'Why is the folium map which I am creating not saving to an html file?

I am trying to create a folium map and save it as an html file. The code is running without any error, but no file is being created. The code can be seen here.

import pandas  
import folium  
import json  
df = pandas.read_csv(r"C:\Users\Jon\Downloads\Webmap_datasources\Volcanoes.txt")

lat = list(df["LAT"])  
lon = list(df["LON"])  
el = list(df["ELEV"])  

map = folium.Map(location =[lat[1],lon[1]], zoom_start=3, tiles= "Stamen Terrain")

folium.GeoJson(data = open(r'C:\Users\Jon\Downloads\Extract+me+json\world.json').read()).add_to(map)

for x,y,z in zip(lat, lon, el):   
    folium.CircleMarker(location= (x,y), popup= str(z)).add_to(map)`

How can I create this file with all of the information I am trying to incorporate?


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