'Wiremock request matching with dynamic date - How to check a date in test?

I need to check in my test, that the date in request is exactly Today. How can I do this? Tried different ways from the Doc, but haven't got the desired result. Help please a poor junior qa :)

What way I tried (my collegue advised me this one, and it looks rather ok consider the documentation)

    "request": {
        "urlPath": "/test/calc",
        "method": "POST",
        "headers": {
            "Accept": {
                "equalTo": "application/json"
            "Content-Type": {
                "equalTo": "application/json"
        "bodyPatterns": [
                "matchesJsonPath": {
                    "expression": "$.addDate",
                    "and": [
                            "before": "now + 1 days"
                            "after": "now - 1 days"
                "equalToJson": {
                    "RequestBody": {
                        "order": {
                            "positionList": [
                                    "id": 1,
                                    "addDate": "${json-unit.any-string}",
                                    "qty": 1
                "ignoreArrayOrder": false
    "response": {
        "transformers": [
        "status": 200,
        "bodyFileName": "v1/test-service-mock-response.json",
        "headers": {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"

I need to check parameter "addDate" in request. Date format is = "addDate": "2022-03-31".

*Also tried this variant "addDate": "{{now format='yyyy-MM-dd'}}". It didn't work as well Wiremock didn't match such requests.


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