'Writen .lua to normal .lua [closed]

This is in FiveM and I dont know how to write this to 'normal' lua.

This is the code:

                            if LumiaM.Mfunc.Button('Give Yourself A Car (Specific)', 5, trigy) then
                                local player_id = LumiaM.Mfunc.KeyboardInput('Players ID to Recive the Car', '', 100)
                                local vehicles = LumiaM.Mfunc.KeyboardInput('Vehicle Modle', '', 100)
                                if LumiaN.natives.IsModelValid(vehicles) and LumiaN.natives.IsModelAVehicle(vehicles) then
                                    local plate = LumiaM.Mfunc.KeyboardInput('Vehicle Plate', '', 8)
                                    LumiaF.func.TriggerCustomEvent(true, "vRP:MySQL_query", "vRP/add_custom_vehicle", {user_id = player_id, vehicle = vehicles, vehicle_plate = plate, veh_type = "car"}, 2)
                                    print('Bad Model')
                            trigy = trigy + 20

Solution 1:[1]

This is in FiveM and I dont know how to write this to 'normal' lua

This code uses the FiveM API.

You cannot do this in Lua alone. There is no replacement for LumiaM.Mfunc.KeyboardInput for example.

You could replace a few things with Lua but that wouldn't actually make sense. What should be the outcome of replacing code for a game without the game?


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Piglet