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Convert indefinitely running Runnable from java to kotlin

I have some code like this in java that monitors a certain file: private Handler mHandler = new Handler(); private final Runnable monitor = new Runnable() {

Github CODEOWNERS Syntax - Name included in directory?

In Github CODEOWNERS, I want to set a rule for "directories that contains the word <TEAM_NAME>". I assume it'd be something like this if possible: src/**&

Distirbute Candy - Finding minimum reproducible example of the problem

The question is to distribute candies to N children.Each child has a rating. Distribution should be such that each child have at least one candy and children wi

Passing JSON from AngularJS to Springboot RestController is not working

I am facing a problem with one of the project that I work. Here is the scenario. I have Angular Springboot project, where from a HTML page, data has to be sent

Is there a way to keep type inference in union types from type guards inside a function?

Let's say I have three types (and a union one) type A = { type: 'a' title: string description: string } type B = { type: 'b' title: string

Vector3 Rotation on Raycast misaligned?

I am attempting to create a code which sends out raycasts all around an enemy. The enemy can then use this information to move itself away from walls and pits a

Parsing one column with 5 didgits integers as date format while reading excel file

For an excel file (download from here): df <- openxlsx::read.xlsx('sample_data.xlsx', sheet='Sheet1', colNames=TRUE) df Output: date value 1 43861 5.

discord js v13 message reply don't work (prefix)

I was making discord bot that reply the user word with prefix. example the user said !Hello the bot will reply with Hello The error was (node:11208) Deprecation