'2-sum problem: given an unsorted list of ints, find if two elements sum to a given target. How to make my code more Pythonic?

I'm trying to learn about PEP-8 guidelines, writing Pythonic code, and about Python's standard libraries (am a day into this journey). Suggestions to make the following piece of code (including comments) more Pythonic would be much appreciated. I know the algorithm could be improved, but this isn't a priority at the moment - but please do write if you have an elegant solution!

I've run it through the following PEP-8 checker, so hopefully the basics are not a problem: http://pep8online.com/checkresult

import collections

def two_sum(input_list, target):
    # Determine if two elements in list add to target
    # dict_of_counts -  key: element from input_list, value: count of element
    dict_of_counts = collections.Counter(input_list)
    for key in dict_of_counts:
        complement_key = target - key
        if complement_key in dict_of_counts:
            # Corner case: complement_key is the same as key,
            # but the count is one (so threat of a false +ve)
            if complement_key != key:
            elif dict_of_counts[complement_key] > 1:

P.S. My first question ever : O !

Solution 1:[1]

If you want to improve your PEP-8 skills, I highly recommend using a linter such as flake8. It is really good in finding any PEP-8 violations, and while you're trying to make flake8 happy you'll learn all the ins- and outs as you go.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Bastian Venthur