I'm using Jupyter Labs on AWS SageMaker. Kernel: conda_pytorch_p36 and did Restart & Run All. I git cloned this repo. Attempt at installing git-lfs: !curl -
In my dbt model definition, I want to run a config block, but only if the database type is postgresql. Is there a way to do that? Example model below: {{ conf
im trying to add post to my firebase database but i got error like in the title (Uncaught (in promise) FirebaseError: Function addDoc() called with invalid data
I am an R user and I am interested to use the World Bank Group (WBG) Topical Taxonomy through SPARQL queries. This can be done directly on the API https://vocab
I've got a reusable heading component that allows me to pass a tag prop, creating any sort of heading (h1, h2, h3 etc). Here's that component: heading.tsx impor
i want to add the time, if there is free time as example im doing that with two textboxes where im entering the date Database 20.04.2020 - 20.05.2020 so there s
Snowflake's federation authentication documentation does not explicitly mention Customer Identity Access Management (CIAM): https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-g
I am making a discord.js bot and trying to get it verified! I want to make it so when you add it to a server and it has below 35 members it leaves it. This is s
I am trying to acess data from my localhost server on raspberry pi with my alexa. This works when I run the code in visual studio code with the local debugger,
I tried to implement request permissions for writing and reading from storage. Everything worked good but today Android showed me that the method onRequestPermi
I've been searching for this kind of problem and I couldn't find one. I am using ajax to solve this problem but it didn't work out. I really want to have this s
I am working with fixest package. Great results so far. My data could be set as a panel. Is there any way for fixest to run run panel data analysis. My model lo
I tried to build a simpy model with multiple 'with' statement as below. However, based on indentation, the result was different. Please let me know what is the
On an Intranet web page, I have a link to an Excel document that resides on a network drive, like so: ms-excel:ofv|u|file:///N:/folder/file.xlsx This is an off
I am trying to visualise data using word cloud. However when I used pip install wordcloud, I got the following error: D:\...>pip install wordcloud Collecting
I have multiple tables, and some do have columns which are related but I am not certain if I have to put the foreign key relations to all columns which are rela
I am trying to import a csv file to google sheets via google appscript. everything works well except in the last few rows the data is being copied after skippin
I am getting the following exception when running Xamarin Forms iOS app after upgrade to the latest Visual Studio Mac: {System.TypeInitializationException: The
ExtentSprakReporter type or namespace not foundI'm trying to generate extent reports for my project and ExtentV3HtmlReporter is deprecated. The extent website s
Github Repo Link This is a react app that I trying to deploy on Netlify but after deploying its alignment does not work as it works on the local machines. Netli
I have a simple bussiness case, not real one, but common: We have an API to sell, maybe weather API. Users stored and managed with some identity provider. Users
I'm trying to make a function that will compare multiple variables to an integer and output a string of three letters. I was wondering if there was a way to tra
I am evaluating React Native and Flutter. I am not experienced in both of these frameworks and hence need some information which I did not fin
I have very long lines using lambda. Also, for example, I combined two loops with a condition into one line. Will such actions affect performa
I need to load some fixed-length-string dictionaries from disk: count of word-lengths ( 1 .. 18 ), word-lengths ( 3 .. 20 ), word-counts ( 1 .. N ) for each wor
I'm using firebase for the first time in vue.js. After installing firebase using npm, I added it to main.js as follows. //main.js import { createApp } from "vue
this question is a bit long but please bare with me. I am working with Unity3D's newer input system, and I've been able to set up camera movement so when the u
I've noticed that bull does not print exceptions to the console by default. To get around this I want to catch errors with the @OnQuerueError decorator and prin
I am trying to import a csv file to google sheets via google appscript. everything works well except in the last few rows the data is being copied after skippin
I'm currently having some trouble trying to assign any additional keybindings to the Normal Mode while using the VIM extension for VSCode. Any ideas on how to p