'Adding private git repo via cPanel

I'm trying to add a private git repo onto cPanel but have ran into permission issues and not sure where I'm going wrong

I have generated the SSH keys in cPanel at the 'SSH Access' section. I then added the key onto the private repo in git at the 'Deploy keys' section.

But when I try to clone the repo on cPanel I get the error:

Error: “/usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/git” reported error code “128” when it ended: Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

I'm trying to clone with SSH [email protected]:myusername/myrepo.git

Have I done something wrong or missed a step?

Solution 1:[1]


steps 1. Cpanel -> SSH Access -> Generate New Key(without enter pasword)->after generated key go to under public key-> manage-> authorize (make authoize) -> back, now view/download-> copy key

Step 2. Go Github-> https://github.com// -> Settings(repository setting) ->Deploy Keys (rights side)-> add deploy key (give title,and add key)-> done

Step 3. Go to Cpanel -> Git™ Version Control -> clone url : [email protected]:/<private_repository_name>.git

 [email protected]:<user_name>/<repository_name>.git

-> give_repository_path

-> give_ repository_name

-> create

Step 4. manage repository from list-> Manage -> pull or deploy from Github -> Click on Update from Remote: works perfectly(any files edit or delete you fetch/pull from GitHub now)

Solution 2:[2]

did you get to the bottom of this I was experiencing the same after removing the pass phrase from the key it worked

Solution 3:[3]

After many hours i find this solution and it solved

My problem was caused by the way cPanel generates ssl keys. When you create a key cPanel, forced you to insert a passphrase. But GitLab is not compatible with such a key apparently.

The solution was to create the key on the local machine and import it to cPanel. Passphrases are for extra security when the key is stolen

as @vladmacovi said and i test it in my cpanel and its work

1- login to cpanel and gitlab

2- goto https://gitlab.com/profile/keys

3- Paste your public SSH key, which is usually contained in the file '~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub' or '~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' and begins with 'ssh-ed25519' or 'ssh-rsa'. Don't use your private SSH key.

4- create a key with this command:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "[email protected]"

5- this command create pub file and ppk file so you can open content of pub file.

6- goto cpanel /frontend/paper_lantern/version_control/index.html#/list/

create a new git repo then click on ssh then from: /frontend/paper_lantern/telnet/index.html

like this picture:

gitlab cpanel ci cd connect with ssh

7- cleck on import key from : /frontend/paper_lantern/telnet/keys/importkey.html

then paste your key

please dont type anything in Passphrase box

8- then click on import button then authorized it

9- configure git form like this picture

enter image description here

Solution 4:[4]

I have found an issue with the SSH key import within cPanel, when I import a private key via the cPanel SSH Key web interface it creates the file but includes the characters ^M as line breaks.

When I edited the file via SSH and copied the original key from my desktop the Git operation via cPanel worked straight away.


Edit the private key after import and ensure there are no line-ending or other stray characters.

Solution 5:[5]

For me the problem remains, even doing all the steps of the different answers:

  • I created a publicKey with and without a password, either via Cpanel or locally
  • Keeps returning message "128" from the OP

Solution 6:[6]

Using FTP auto upload private repositoy to cpanel

GIthub Private repository with Cpanel Uploading step with one commit command from local pc repository to github and cpanel both

  1. create git repository in github (https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/quickstart/create-a-repo)

  2. after create an directory in local with github setup as following command

    git init
    git add .
    git commit -m "commit"
    git remote add origin
    git push

step 1. create FTP account into cpanel

step 2. in Github Go to your private repository on GitHub, click on SETTINGS, then click on SECRETS to add your FTP account username, password and server IP

step 3. On the SECRETS tab, click the NEW REPOSITORY SECRET BUTTON on the right hand side, to add a new secret

step 4. Add the details as follows (Using your own details)


and the values should be your own secret details respectively and click the ADD SECRET BUTTON

The next step is to create a GitHub action workflow; The GitHub actions take place on the GitHub server.

In your GitHub repo, click on ACTIONS

Step 5. Click NEW WORKFLOW, You can choose a workflow template but for the sake of this tutorial, we will be creating our own workflow.

Click on any template (I selected the first template), then edit the configuration (“yaml” configuration file)

Step 6. Change the file name to your own choice. (I changed mine to deployCpanel.yml), make sure it has the .yml file extension

step 7. Place the below configuration code in the file

   name: Publish Website to CPanel
           - master
            name: FTP-Deploy-Action
            runs-on: ubuntu-latest
                - uses: actions/[email protected]
                 fetch-depth: 2
                   - name: FTP-Deploy-Action
                 uses: SamKirkland/[email protected]
                    ftp-server: ${{ secrets.FTP_SERVER }}
                    ftp-username: ${{ secrets.FTP_USERNAME }}
                    ftp-password: ${{ secrets.FTP_PASSWORD }}

Make sure you change the branch where you want your codes to be deployed from, in my case I am deploying from master branch

Step 8 . Once you are done, click on START COMMIT button on the right hand side

This will automatically create a /.github/workflows/directory and places the configuration file in it.

Anytime you push your codes to the master branch, it automatically deploys to cPanel via your FTP account.

Solution 7:[7]

got the same problem with @nodachi, already did all the previous solution given above.

the problem is the "private" repository in github. When i change my repo into "public", and then create repository again in my cpanel, it works.

i dont know why, the SSH access should be allowed to access the private repo on github, but it wont give the access.

Solution 8:[8]

Cpanel will not let you create key without password so you have to choices:

  1. Using ssh:
  • Step 1 create new ssh key using this command

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "cpanel username"

  • Step 2 go to ssh management in your Cpanel then manage the newly generated key and authorize it.
  • Step 3 go to Github -> repo settings -> Deploy keys -> add you key and enjoy.
  1. You can import already generated key from you machine without using password and apply step 2 and 3

Solution 9:[9]

I had the same problem with the interface This guide is really complete and helped me fix it using the terminal


*Previous: You must have enabled advanced>Terminal (shell?) Otherwise contact your hosting provider and asked for it enter image description here

*Create the ssh_key with NO passphrase just press Enter(replace repo with your repo name, username with your cpanel user and example.com with your cpanel main domain)

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/repo -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"

*Doesn't say so but neccesary: Authorize public ssh_key generated in SSH access > manage ssh keys > manage

enter image description here enter image description here

Click "authorize" enter image description here

*Copy public ssh key found in "view/download"

enter image description here

*I was using github so if you too, go to general settings

enter image description here enter image description here

enter image description here

Name it as you want too and paste the complete public ssh key

*Now test it (replace repo with your repo name)

ssh -i ~/.ssh/repo -T [email protected]

If a question (yes/no) about different fingerprints is raised write yes. This will add github to a known hosts file enter image description here

If everything's correct, confirm the greeting enter image description here

*I have multiple repositories (even if you currently don't, it's most likely to happen) so

domains > list domains enter image description here

click home icon enter image description here

show hidden folders at the top right hand corner settings>show hidden files enter image description here

enter image description here

inside .ssh folder, create a config file (extension isn't needed) enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

Write this for each repo you need(again, replace "repo" with your repo name and "home/user" with your root path -in my case home/cpanelUser-)

Host github.com-repo
   Hostname github.com

*Fiiiiinally, clone the repo (replace "repo" with your repo name and "user" with your GITHUB user this time)

git clone [email protected]:user/repo.git

Now, it should be done

enter image description here

Took me all afternoon and night :/ If you find how to auto deploy please comment


This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Overflow and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1
Solution 2 hopeless dev
Solution 3 saber tabatabaee yazdi
Solution 4 Community
Solution 5 Diogenes Oliveira Junior
Solution 6 Ghanshyam Nakiya
Solution 7 Dharman
Solution 8
Solution 9