'angular 13 form validation dynamic input textbox show error on touch

angular 13 form validation dynamic input textbox validation

I'm adding input text boxes dynamically. But form validations are showing by default when I click add source button. How can I show error messages on touch instead of by default.

<form #nonTaxForm="ngForm">
        <div *ngFor="let income of incomes; let i=index">
                <input matInput [id]="getName('amount')" [name]="getName('amount')"
                    type="currency" [(ngModel)]="income.cashflowAmount" #amountCtrl="ngModel"  required>
                <mat-error *ngIf="(amountCtrl.invalid && amountCtrl.touched)">
                    Must be between $1
        <button (click)=" addSource()">Add source</button>

  public addSource() {
        id: Math.random(),
        financialSubtypeCode: null,
        cashflowAmount: null

Solution 1:[1]

You need to use reactive form to handle this scenario. In reactive form you need to use FormArray. The sample is here https://www.telerik.com/blogs/angular-basics-creating-dynamic-forms-using-formarray-angular


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Solution Source
Solution 1 balaG