'API request on Atlas mongodb ISO 8601 granularity=Pxxx&period=Pxxx

Trying the below API request to get the CPU usage metric for last 30 days everyday at 10:30 PM. The below command is working , But on adjusting granularity & period it is giving "errorCode" : "INVALID_PERIOD" ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

curl --user "xxxxxxx:yyyyyyy" --digest
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--request GET "https://cloud.mongodb.com/api/atlas/v1.0/groups/gggggg/processes/servername:27017/measurements?m=MAX_PROCESS_CPU_USER&granularity=P1D&period=P30D&pretty=true"

On the web page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 it is giving some formats. I tried like &granularity=PT1H&period=P2DT1H& and more, but I am not getting the output I am looking for. My requirement is to get the metrics at 10:30PM every day for last 30 days. Anyone know how can I pass the specific time and 30 days to get the metric out with out error.

Thanks Thomas


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