'Artificial Bee Colony library [closed]

I'm working on the implementation of Artificial Bee Colony algorithm in optimization of fuzzy c-means clustering. Can anyone provide a link for C# library or class that might help in the code of the ABC algorithm?

Solution 1:[1]

Google doesn't immediately seem to reveal a C# implementation of the ABC algorithm, though there is a Java implementation which should translate quite well to C#.

Solution 2:[2]

I think this should help. Its a ready to implement ABC algorithm library written in C++ that I had developed.

Solution 3:[3]

ABC souds similar to ant colony optimisation. I found this app, which you can probably get the source for if you contact the authors. It requires .NET, so it might as well be written in C#. It's not exactly what you asked for, but it's something ;)

Solution 4:[4]

There is a recent article in MSDN magazine that has an implementation in C#, on a specific problem. It should provide a good starting point!


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Solution Source
Solution 1 Dominique
Solution 2 abhishekcghosh
Solution 3 mbatchkarov
Solution 4 Mathias