Category "artificial-intelligence"

Is it possible to have a website that can adapt to user level and ask quiz them based on strengths and weaknesses?

I want to make a website which will give the user math problems, and then based on the responses, will suggest new math problems for the user. I am not so sure

Cannibals and missionaries problem python -artificial intelligence algorithm

I'm trying to solve the cannibals and missionaries problem in python (with some additional criteria, but the main idea is the classic one). So, in the class Gra

Is there a scientific field dedicated to the quantification of intelligent behavior? [closed]

One of the biggest struggle with ML research is the creation of objective functions which capture the researcher's goals. Especially when talk

AI Reinforcement Learning

I'm learning about PPO(proximal policy optimisation) in AI. What are some real world examples where PPO can be applied? Ive done a lot of research but I could o

Deploying a chatbot written with the Flask framework

I have created basic chatbot using FLASK framework and Python. This will create a default URL Below link is similar to my chatbot. ex: h

Why does utility computation in is_terminal include the # of blanks left in a terminal state? What does mean with performance measure for the agent?

Consider: import numpy as np def actions(state): # Returns the indices of all blank spaces on the board (represented by '.') return [i for i,s in np.nd

Need basic AIOps implementation example for log monitoring in AWS

AIOps seems like a very interesting topic. I also watched AWS Summit presentation on this. I have a logging nad monitoring solution where all system and applica

not able to use in my application

I am new to AI technology .I dded every DJL which are required to my project . But when I go to use I am not able t

mlflow static_prefix url in set_tracking_uri is not working

I am starting mlflow with below command mlflow server --static_prefix=/myprefix --backend-store-uri postgresql://psql_user_name:psql_password@localhost/mlflow_d

Finding eps value in DBSCAN algorithmn

I am implementing DBSCAN on a dataset. First I sorted the data and then found the distance among its neighbors to find the minimum distance between them and plo

pip install dlib, Cmake error compiler is not found

when i want to install pip install dlib it gives me this error i have both installed MSVC v142-vs 2019 c++ x64 build tools and c++ Cmake tools for windows and y

How is inference by enumeration done on bayesian networks?

For instance, if given the following Bayesian network and probabilities how would I find P(BgTV | not(GfC). I attempted to do so by simply using the equivalence

Standard answers for a speech in a AI

I am building a project where there is a software, It should answer to questions as "Hi","What your name?", "How are you?", ecc. Is there a standard answers I c

KeyError: 'Failed to format this callback filepath: "skintype_64_rmsprop_{val_loss:.3f}.h5". Reason: \'val_loss\''

I have been trying to train my skin type classification model but it shows error. model_name = f"skintype_{batch_size}_{optimizer}" tensorboard = tf.keras.callb

After a certain number of moves my tictactoe program raise an exception

I'm trying to build an AI to play tictactoe(cs50ai pset0). i have built 7 essential functions for this purpose. player function that takes as an argument a boar

Sliding window input (image sequence) for convolutional neural network

I am currently trying to feed an image sequence as a single input entity to my CNN. I found the numpy utility numpy.lib.stride_tricks.sliding_window_view My ima

Region Of Intrest

Break masks/ ROIs down into smaller sub-ROIs. Set random seeds. Navigate from seed to ROI in direction of highest absolute gradient.any suggestion would help me

which algorithm does google keyboard uses for automatic suggestions (personal vocab included)?

I am confused since google cannnot train their text generation models with each individuals personal vocabulary. I was trying to develop something similar but

Sklearn can't convert string to float

I'm using Sklearn as a machine learning tool, but every time I run my code, it gives this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\FakeUserMad

module 'keras.engine' has no attribute 'Layer'

----> 6 from mrcnn.model import MaskRCNN /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/mrcnn/ in () 253 254 --> 255 class ProposalLayer(KE.Layer): 256