'ASP.NET Core Web API - 'IRuleBuilderInitial<CustomerTransactionRequestDto, decimal>' does not contain a definition for 'CustomCurrency'

Validation is done in ASP.NET Core-6 Web API using Fluent Validation. So, I have this code:

Custom Validator:

public static IRuleBuilder<T, string> CustomCurrency<T>(this IRuleBuilder<T, string> ruleBuilder)
    var options = ruleBuilder
        .WithMessage("Appropriate Currency format should be xxxxxxxxxxx.xx");

    return options;


public class CustomerTransactionRequestDto
    public decimal Amount { get; set; }

Then the validator:

public class CustomerTransactionRequestValidator : AbstractValidator<CustomerTransactionRequestDto>
    public CustomerTransactionRequestValidator()
        RuleFor(p => p.Amount).CustomCurrency()
            .NotEmpty().WithMessage("Amount should be not empty. ERROR!");

The problem is that I got this error:

Error CS1929 'IRuleBuilderInitial<CustomerTransactionRequestDto, decimal>' does not contain a definition for 'CustomCurrency' and the best extension method overload 'AuthValidatorSettings.CustomCurrency(IRuleBuilder<CustomerTransactionRequestDto, string>)' requires a receiver of type 'IRuleBuilder<CustomerTransactionRequestDto, string>'

Then it highlights:

RuleFor(p => p.Amount)

How do I get this sorted out?

Thank you

Solution 1:[1]

The error message hints that types don't match. You have a custom validator based on IRuleBuilder<T, string> while you are trying to chain it to IRuleBuilderInitial<CustomerTransactionRequestDto, decimal>. You have a custom validator based on string property, while on the other end a decimal property.

To fix this, change the type of Amount property from decimal to string:

public class CustomerTransactionRequestDto
    public string Amount { get; set; }

That way, you can use the validators you already defined in CustomCurrency() like Matches() which are available for string properties.

If decimal property is not a mistake, then I'd suggest adding support for decimal in CustomCurrency() custom validator, like this:

public static IRuleBuilder<T, decimal> CustomCurrency<T>(this IRuleBuilder<T, decimal> ruleBuilder)
    // TODO: Your validation.


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Prolog