'asyncio.wait not returning on first exception

I have an AMQP publisher class with the following methods. on_response is the callback that is called when a consumer sends back a message to the RPC queue I setup. I.e. the self.callback_queue.name you see in the reply_to of the Message. publish publishes out to a direct exchange with a routing key that has multiple consumers (very similar to a fanout), and multiple responses come back. I create a number of futures equal to the number of responses I expect, and asyncio.wait for those futures to complete. As I get responses back on the queue and consume them, I set the result to the futures.

    async def on_response(self, message: IncomingMessage):
        if message.correlation_id is None:
            logger.error(f"Bad message {message!r}")
            await message.ack()
        body = message.body.decode('UTF-8')
        future = self.futures[message.correlation_id].pop()
        if hasattr(body, 'error'):
        await message.ack()

    async def publish(self, routing_key, expected_response_count, msg, timeout=None, return_partial=False):
        if not self.connected:
            logger.info("Publisher not connected. Waiting to connect first.")
            await self.connect()
        correlation_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        futures = [self.loop.create_future() for _ in range(expected_response_count)]
        self.futures[correlation_id] = futures
        await self.exchange.publish(
        done, pending = await asyncio.wait(futures, timeout=timeout, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_EXCEPTION)
        if not return_partial and pending:
            raise asyncio.TimeoutError(f'Failed to return all results for publish to {routing_key}')

        for f in pending:
        del self.futures[correlation_id]

        results = []
        for future in done:
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e:
                logger.error(f'Client did not return JSON!! {e!r}')
        return results

My goal is to either wait until all futures are finished, or a timeout occurs. This is all working nicely at the moment. What doesn't work, is when I added return_when=asyncio.FIRST_EXCEPTION, the asyncio.wait.. does not finish after the first call of future.set_exception(...) as I thought it would.

What do I need to do with the future so that when I get a response back and see that an error occurred on the consumer side (before the timeout, or even other responses) the await asyncio.wait will no longer be blocking. I was looking at the documentation and it says:

The function will return when any future finishes by raising an exception

when return_when=asyncio.FIRST_EXCEPTION. My first thought is that I'm not raising an exception in my future correctly, only, I'm having trouble finding out exactly how I should do that then. From the API documentation for the Future class, it looks like I'm doing the right thing.

Solution 1:[1]

When I created a minimum viable example, I realized I was actually doing things MOSTLY right after all, and I glanced over other errors causing this not to work. Here is my minimum example:

The most important change I had to do was actually pass in an Exception object.. (subclass of BaseException) do the set_exception method.

import asyncio

async def set_after(future, t, body, raise_exception):
    await asyncio.sleep(t)
    if raise_exception:

async def main():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    futures = [loop.create_future() for _ in range(2)]
    asyncio.create_task(set_after(futures[0], 3, 'hello', raise_exception=True))
    asyncio.create_task(set_after(futures[1], 7, 'world', raise_exception=False))
    done, pending = await asyncio.wait(futures, timeout=10, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_EXCEPTION)


In this line of code if hasattr(body, 'error'):, body was a string. I thought it was JSON at that point already. Should have been using "error" in body as my condition in any case. whoops!


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1