'AWS managed hyperledger connecting to the wrong orderer endpoint

I have a hyperledger fabric v2.2 blockchain network on AWS Managed Blockchain. The orderer endpoint shown on the aws managed blockchain console is orderer.xxxxxxxx.managedblockchain.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com:30001.

Everything was working fine - I was able to execute both EvaluateTransactions and SubmitTransactions. Just recently this unexpected issue happened. I am no longer able to SubmitTransaction as the peer is try to connect a different orderer endpooint : nd-xxxxxx.m-xxxxxxxx.n-xxxxx.managedblockchain.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com:30001. EvaluateTransaction is still working fine though (since it has nothing to do with orderer)

Since the orderer node is completely managed by AWS this issue seems to be quite unexpected.

The error log:

error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Failed to submit: CreateAndSendTransaction failed: SendTransaction failed: calling orderer 'nd-xxxxxx.m-xxxxxxxx.n-xxxxx.managedblockchain.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com:30001' failed: Orderer Client Status Code: (2) CONNECTION_FAILED. Description: dialing connection on target [nd-xxxxxx.m-xxxxxxxx.n-xxxxx.managedblockchain.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com:30001]: waiting for connection failed: context deadline exceeded

I tried explicitly mentioning the orderer endpoint, which is shown in the aws console, in the connection profile, but error still persisted. I have tried reaching to AWS support but the ticket is still in pending state since 2 days!

Does anyone have any idea/tips to resolve this?


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