Category "hyperledger-fabric"

fabric invoke chaincode error: Failed to get endorsing peers: no endorsement combination can be satisfied

I have set up my fabric network with 3 orderers in one organization and a consortium with 5 organizaitons successfully. Each organization has only one peer node

Issue connecting my lambda function to Amazon managed blockchain

I am failing with a DNS 14 message when trying to call a lambda function to invoke chaincode on my Amazon Managed Hyperledger Blockchain. ERROR Failed proposa

why does this error occured in hyperledger Fabric 2.2 ,could not validate identity's OUs: certifiersIdentifier does not match?

When I try to up the network,using docker-compose, peer exited with the below mentioned message. panic: Failed putting our own identity into the identity mapper

Hyperledger Fabric cryptogen and configtxgen not working

I am trying to create the "crypto matrial" of my hyperledger fabric network using the cryptogen command line but I get "command not found" as result My command

Hyperledger Fabric cryptogen and configtxgen not working

I am trying to create the "crypto matrial" of my hyperledger fabric network using the cryptogen command line but I get "command not found" as result My command

Error: endorsement failure during invoke. response: status:500 message:"error in simulation:

I'm using hyperledger fabric 2.0. I have two orgs. ORGA and ORGB. I'm using "test-network" of fabric-samples repository as my network. I have edited javascript

i am working on supply chain DApps .here i want to add budget with ownername only not with the whole block

type Product struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Area string `json:"area"` OwnerName string `json:"own

Hyperledger Blockchain Explorer-Fail to connect before the deadline on Endorser, fail to connect to remote gRPC server

I am trying to set up a Hyperledger Fabric Network with Hyperledger Explorer. I spin up a VM on the digital ocean cloud with ubuntu OS. From there, I spin up 3

Can we change the spec.yaml in minifabric to install our own chaincode during default installation

On doing minifab up command can we specify the chaincode installed default (simple) to our own chaincode , by changing the configurations in the spec.yaml ???

Cannot run peer because error when setting up MSP of type bccsp from directory ... Setup error: nil conf reference

I learn to create an application using hyperledger fabrics. This is my reference -->

Hyperledger Fabric 2.x and Explorer connection

I run the hyperledger fabric test-network from documentation but How can I integrate hyperledger explorer with it. In documentation of hyperldger fabric there i

How to deploy Hyperledger fabric on Openstack cloud?

I am working on Hyperledger Fabric for a time being. I want to deploy my Hyperledger to a cloud platform but only public cloud like AWS and Azure are supporting

How to setup hyperledger fabric explorer | amazon managed blockchain

I setup hyperledger fabric network using amazon managed blockchain by following this guide. Everything works properly in the hyperledger network. Now I want to

How to get orderer logs | amazon managed blockchain

I setup hyperledger fabric in amazon managed blockchain. I can get peer node logs, CA logs, chaincode logs. I do not know how to get orderer logs. That is requi

docker exec cli peer channel create | failed to create new connection: context deadline exceeded | amazon managed blockchain

I am trying to setup hyperledger fabric blockchain network using amazon managed blockchain following this guide. In the step 6, to create the channel I have exe

Error | entroll the member admin | fabric-ca-client enroll | Amazon Managed Blockchain

I am trying to setup hyperledger fabric blockchain network using amazon managed blockchain following this guide. To entroll, I have used the following command,

How to get MyPeerNodeEndpoint | aws managedblockchain get-node | step 3

I am trying to setup hyperledger fabric blockchain network using amazon managed blockchain following this guide. In the step 3, I need MyPeerNodeEndpoint to cre

Fabric v2.0 in kubernetes (minikube) - error Peer channel - error validating proposal: access denied: channel [] creator org [Org1MSP]

I am trying to set up the Fabric v2.0 test-network ( on kubernetes (locally on miniku

Performance metrics on Amazon Managed Blockchain

I have setup Amazon Managed Blockchain using Hyperledger fabric. I am trying to send some transactions to the blockchain. How can I view performance for the b

Why endorser_proposals_recieved (Hyperledger fabric peer-metric) is giving different values at different peers?

We are using Hyperledger fabric 2.2.3 with 3 organizations 2 peers each, a total 6 endorsing peers,3 orderers, and using the Prometheus tool for monitoring. usi