'AWS NLB redirect

I currently have my subdomain poitning to the DNS name of my NLB (listening on TLS : 443) via a CNAME,

https:// foo.mydomain.com

points to

https ://foo-nlb-123456789.elb.region.amazonaws.com

The issue is one is unable to access the subdomain only by typing foo.mydomain.com and has to always type out the full path i.e. https:// foo.mydomain.com. How can I access my subdomain (which points to the NLB) without having to type out the full path ?

Solution 1:[1]

Based on the comments.

The NLB does not allow for redirections of http into https, since these protocols operate at layer 7 of osi network stack.

Thus, ALB should be used as it provides ability to redirect http into https:


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Solution Source
Solution 1