Category "networking"

When the TCP connection close in this code?

When I read this opensource code. I have two questions about the two functions: func listenTCP() { for { conn, err := tcpListener.Accept() i

why do i getting boost.URL linking error?

This is my project : When i try to build it, Error :

React Axios Post Requests Being Blocked After Initially Succeeding

I have a React app that has a contact form that submits data to a third party such as,, or who basically collect the for

Calico Cloud - Egress domain network policy issue

I am trying to configure egress traffic using domains via Calico Cloud. I am aware that DNS feature is possible with paid Calico Enterprise or Calico Cloud as m

Strange behaviour in getting Real User IP [closed]

Maybe someone could help me understand, because I m facing something that seems strange for me... maybe for a lake of knowledge arround http r

I can't make two ec2 instance talk each other

My goal: I have two instance EC2, one is an API that is public and another is a microservice, which needs only to communicate with API. what I have tried so far

AWS NLB redirect

I currently have my subdomain poitning to the DNS name of my NLB (listening on TLS : 443) via a CNAME, i.e. https:// points to https ://foo

client side caching be able to write responses to the disk and fetch them from the disk when I get a cache hit

I need to add client side caching functionality to my client, I don't need to implement any replacement or validation policies.Just be able to write responses t

Does Linuxptp support IEEE802.1AS 2020 standard?

Could anyone please tell me if the linuxptp is planning to release IEEE802.1AS-2020 support for linuxptp stack Is there any plan/timeline for this release? If a

Provide SSL certificate for internal Website

I have a website in my local network and the website is not ssl secured. Many clients can not reach the website because of "ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH"

How do I create a DNS response packet

I have tried this, first is the dns request packet. The second packet is recognized also as a dns request packet. I want the second packet to be a dns response

Docker private IPs are leaking on external network

Docker Version 19.03.12 on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (and also seen on previous version) We have the problem that network packets are send to the external network with

Scanning for available WiFi networks in QT6

Does anyone know hot to scan for all available SSIDs in QT6? I have searched the internet up and down - without any success. A solution with a sample code would

Garry's Mod: How to send a DLL?

Garry's Mod provides a C++ API to create server-side and client-side DLLs. As it is said in the article "Creating Binary Modules", they must be placed in the "g

How to count how many clients are on an access point?

I am currently working on an art project that requires me to count the number of people in a given area, I have done some research and found that a good way to

USB Ethernet on Android devices

I have an embedded Linux system that uses the USB Gadget framework to appear as an Ethernet class device (ACM Ethernet, using the g_ether kernel driver.) All i

how to send a tcp acknowledgement within a specific time interval

I am required to send a tcp acknowledgement to a message from a server within 2000ms, else the socket connection will be closed by the server. How do I ensure t

NodeMCU Unity Connection, using UDP

I am trying to connect NodeMCU with unity for my university project. My nodemcu receives data (tested with a UDP test tool application). I will leave the code b

how get public key from SSHserver during handshake? [closed]

During SSH handshake, client and server should shared their public key. Is there any ways to get the server public key without installing kali

Strange infinite loop in thread in c# using network sockets

I made a little experiment where a server send continually a message to a client until a second client be connected. Testing with telnet, the first client recei