'Can not open project with IntelliJ IDEA

I have a project that was already working with IntelliJ IDEA but now,when I want to open it with IntelliJ IDEA, I am facing this error message:"Contains no IntelliJ IDE project".

Solution 1:[1]

I faced the same issue. Deleting .project file in from the home directory and reopening solved the problem.

Solution 2:[2]

Try importing project by selecting File -> Import Project... (as for IntelliJ IDEA 12.1.4).

Does it help?

Solution 3:[3]

In my case (PyCharm), there was one particular project that refused to open, while other projects worked perfectly. Deleting the .idea folder did not fix the issue. The fix that worked for me: File > Invalidate Caches > (Select all) > Invalidate and Restart. This will remove caches and indices for all projects, and new caches will be built on re-open.

Solution 4:[4]

I was facing this recently and by Jetbeans adding " -Dide.mac.file.chooser.native=false " to vmoptions would solve the problem.

But in my case, it did not work, I noticed the error log and it was not able to open due to no permission to read a file under.IDEA folder inside my project so went to system preferences and gave WebStrom permission to files and it started working.


Solution 5:[5]

In my case I had generated a apache camel project by running mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId="org.apache.camel.archetypes" -DarchetypeArtifactId="camel-archetype-spring-boot" -DarchetypeVersion="3.4.0" on my terminal but it did not generate a .idea folder and so InteliJ would not open it. So I copied the .idea folder of a similar project and edited the modules.xml, workspace.xml, project template.xml and misc.xml to match my project name and class path, then InteliJ opened the project with no issue.

Solution 6:[6]

In my case, .idea folder (which configures the IDE settings) was missing. I have copied this folder from my existing and properly working projects and it solved the problem


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 Vipin ChandraMohan
Solution 2 Ernestas Kardzys
Solution 3 Sergii Shcherbak
Solution 4 JPilson
Solution 5 Shay Ribera
Solution 6 Kevin Lillard