Category "intellij-idea"

The intellij idea takes up a lot of Ram [closed]

The intellij idea takes up a lot of RAM, is there a way we can reduce the program size?

Why the data resets after save in database?

I'm trying to save new phone number in database First by another method get phone number and temporary save it and send a code to user then by following methods

Why does getInterpreter().adaptivePredict in generated parser return incorrect value?

I am creating custom language (EO language) plugin for IntelliJ. I use antlr4 adapter and I've already generated parser and lexer. I am working on syntax highli

Unrecognized VM option 'UseConcMarkSweepGC' when running sample project

I have followed the instructions for getting started with codenameone in IntelliJ, yet when I set up my first project, based on the sample app I get this error:

Intellij and jar file: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named xxx

I use intellij to create a jar package, but it does not work correctly. After it is created and all the external library jar files are created as well, when I s

Unable to negotiate with __IP_ADDRESS_ port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

While using git clone in PhpStorm, I got an error message: Clone failed Unable to negotiate with IP ADDRESS port 22: no matching host key type found. Thei

Unable to negotiate with __IP_ADDRESS_ port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

While using git clone in PhpStorm, I got an error message: Clone failed Unable to negotiate with IP ADDRESS port 22: no matching host key type found. Thei

IntelliJ reporting typescript error for react-bootstrap-table-next

I'm using react-bootstrap-table-next (aka react-bootstrap-table2). I'm getting a Typescript error in IntelliJ on the validator field in my column definition. I

IntelliJ IDEA Terminal not see commands

I'm using Fedora 35 Linux and I installed IntelliJ IDEA via flatpak, and when I try to use the docker command in the IDEA's terminal window, it gives me the fol

Kotlin noArg plugin not recognised by IntelliJ

I am not sure if I've missed a config or stumbled upon a bug. I am using IntelliJ to build a Kotlin Spring Boot application with JPA and would like to use Kotli

Debugging issue in testng test cases

I am using intelliJ v2021.3.2 (Community Edition) My project is a java Maven TestNG (v7.4.0) project When I run test cases it executes successfully, but when I

How do I make a Totem of Undying like item with Fabric?

I am new to Minecraft Fabric Modding and I am trying to make a Item like the Totem of Undying but I can't find the Totem code! There is nothing lika a TotemOfU

Problem with using spring and tiles in intellij

I tried many things what I can search in google. but failed to solve this. If I use only 'InternalResourceViewResolver' it works. but if use tiles, it dosen't w

Although I write the necessary codes, I can't get results [closed]

Laptop text and price should appear on the blue button. Although I write the necessary codes, I can't get results <div class="card" style

Intellij disable new line before annotated field for Kotlin

IntelliJ autoformat keeps adding a blank lines between class field declarations having annotations. Do you know how to disable it? This happens for kotlin files

pytest can't find module for tests

I have a structure like (not exact names) - my_project - app - repo - - - services -

Java, Intellij IDEA problem Unrecognized option: --add-opens=jdk.compiler/

I have newly installed IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2 (Ultimate Edition) Build #IU-212.4746.92, built on July 27, 2021 Licensed to XXXXXX Subscription is active until Aug

Intellij IDEA: "Cannot find declaration to go to" - message in a new javascript project

I'm getting "Cannot find declaration to go to in" message when try to Ctrl + click the path of an imported module This message shows up if the path contains "@"

IntelliJ IDEA breakpoints do not hit in dynamically loaded anonymous inner class

This is not your usual "my breakpoints don't work" question. Consider the following code: Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run()

Unable to import JDA into Maven - IntelliJ IDEA

I need to import JDA dependency into my Maven (Java) project, yet IDEA doesn't seem to be able to import it for some reason. I did as following: inside the pom.