'Cannot find php-fpm.conf

I use php-fastcgi via nginx on Ubuntu 21.10, and I want to set the log_limit php-fpm directive to 8000 for my PHP logs not to be truncated, but I can't find php-fpm.conf anywhere.

The closest file I can find is /etc/php8.0/cgi/php.ini and I inserted log_limit = 8000 into it, but phpinfo() doesn't output it unlike the log_errors_max_len PHP configuration variable, and PHP log entries keep getting truncated.

Solution 1:[1]

As it turned out, I had to apt install php8.0-fpm which created /etc/php/8.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf. Thanks to @john-hanley for revealing the root cause!

My truncated logs issue is still unresolved; I'll open a new question specifically for it.


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Solution Source
Solution 1 László Monda