Category "configuration"

"Unable to find template" with Docker

I created a Symfony environment with Docker. I then included this file in my web project (skeleton website). But when I try to access my base.html.twig page loc

JetBrains rider IDE => Hosting Environment

enter image description hereI am trying to move from Visual Studio 2022 to JetBrains rider with my .NET full-stack project. I am using Webpack for my front-end

Terraform file for gcp, how to input path for json key

I am studying trying to learning how to deploy using Terraform in gcp. Would anyone know how to write the path for the json key in the configuration file mentio

Remove null attributes with table row from popup using Arcade expression in ArcGIS Portal

I am using the HTML code to configure the popup <font size="2"> <table border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td><b><font color="#000

Druid setup ERROR: service serving this console is not responding

I am trying to setup druid in cluster mode. The setup is completer and there is no error in the server logs. Even the druid console is launching successfully, b

Charts js - how to change the scale of y axis? I would like to customize the bar cart height by changing the y-axis scale to fit the white spac

Why does audio played in Android emulator sound with echo/noise?

Listen my problem in this short video. Now I explain in more detail: In that video I've played (clicking on button) an audio file by three times, twice in a row

.NET 6 (stable) IConfiguration setup in Program.cs

This appears to be a similar problem but none of the answers are fitting for my code...: Read appsettings.json in Main Program.cs This is extremely similar but

Problems with user secrets in .Net console apps

I've created a .Net 6 console app. I added user secrets, but I only get the values defined in the appsettings.json file. I use Visual Studio Professional 2022 v

No definition found for function in vendor vscode

My vscode does not see the definition of functions in vendor library. I don't know if it has anything to do with gitignore, where I have put vendor, but I woul

json config reader in C++

I have this config data in this json, { "difficulty":-1, "damage":100, "infinite":true, "tilewidth":16, "type":"map", "version":"1.2.4"

VxWorks Bootloader configuration

Motorola's embedded computer on card, MVME5500, according to jumper J8 position boots: MOTLoad or VxWorks loader. When boots MOTLoad, it can be seen two Ethe

Set configuration part in startup with static parameters not json file in .net core

I have this line of code in my test solution . I want to config ravenoption in my test code. public IHost host = null; public IDocumentStore documentStore = nul

Get POST request body in Vite server.proxy["/api"].configure

I am migrating a project from Webpack to Vite and have run into an issue with proxying requests to one of the endpoints in the MVC.Net backend. Due to circumsta

How to hide window list in tmux status bar?

How can I remove the list of tmux windows from the status bar. In this case I want to get rid of (see lower left) 1:zsh*. Screenshot of my tmux window I tried

@Size annotation doesn't seem to work for my class

I have a Spring Boot Controller with an endpoint that accepts the following Configuration class (as json). The class has the param maxIterations and has a @Size

Reason: The elements were left unbound

How can I load List of objects from configuration yml file in java springboot application? I already tried several sources: configuration-properties-in-spring

How to pass a dynamic port to the Websockets-gateway in NestJS?

I wanted to dynamically set the Websockets-gateway port from config in NestJS. Below is my websockets-gateway code. import { WebSocketGateway } from '@nestjs/we

Spark History server not listing completed jars

I'm running Spark standalone jobs in Windows. I would like to monitor my Spark jobs using the spark history server. I have launched spark history server with be

How to determine what Java Jenkins is using to run and point it to the correct location (Java 11)

I've looked all over for this answer but cannot find it, as most of the answers are how to add JDK to Jenkins for usage within a test. I'm looking for how to en