I have an OBJ that uses four textures. The UVs defined in the file range from (0, 0) to (2, 2), such that (0.5, 0.5) refers to a coordinate in the first textur
Right after adding a mesh object to my scene in Blender, in the tools panel appears a really helpful tooltip named "add [mesh name]", well Im sure everyone know
I need support in finishing some javascript code that finally should generate a 3D model. However I'm struggling as I keep getting errors. Kindly find the code
I'm trying to render a frame, with realistic depth of field effect. I've already tried the depth of field properties in the camera node, but it doesn't produce
I am having an issue with a program, which uses panda3d. It works perfectly when executed as a pythonscript, but the version, which is compiled (or rather packa
I use Jupyter Notebook to make analysis of datasets. There are a lot of plots in the notebook, and some of them are 3d plots. I'm wondering if it is possible t
I have written code to plot a 3D surface of a parabaloid in matplotlib. How would I rotate the figure so that the figure remains in place (i.e. no vertical or
I am developing an application that: Reads 7 model files and trains a PPF 3D Detector; Reads a scene file and try to match with the detector; Store the resu
I am new to vpython and trying to learn. However, right after installing the module with "pip install vpython" and making a python file that contains this : fro
I have to create animation where gatling gun will be shoot (it doesn't have to be complex, cause it's just a practice). I drew basic version of my gun which loo
I was following the vulkan tutorial at https://vulkan-tutorial.com/ and at the depth buffering chapter, the author Alexander Overvoorde mentions that "We only n
I need Three.js code to convert 3D object coordinates to 2d ones in a 'div' element so that I can place text labels where they need to be (without those labels
So, I have this algorithm to calculate cross-section of 3D shape with plane given with normal vector. However, my current problem is, that the cross-section is
I have multiple estimates for a transformation matrix, from mapping two point clouds to each other via ICP (Iterative Closest Point). How can I generate the av
I am attempting to accurately visualize some CFD data using Mayavi's flow function. I have six 100x100x100 arrays (X, Y, Z, U, V, W), pertaining to the positio
I'd like to create a model in JavaFX 8 application which will have ~400000 polygons. And I don't need any texture, only simple color. Commonly it's necessary to
I am developing an open sign language gesture builder, in some ways very similar to Vcom3D's Gesture Builder - see product demo on bottom of this page. The mai
I have trying to retrieve and plot the centerpoint of some objects but I keep getting the same value for all my objects which is x=0, y=0 and z=0. So my centerp
I'm trying to draw a large mesh in Matlab using the trimesh function, with the z coordinate of the vertices controlling the color. Unfortunately, Matlab stops i
It is not showing proper 3d models it shows only the shadow of the models. How I am wrong or How it will show the same models? Both pictures are here real mode