Category "daemon"

Adb keeps restarting with error 'Adb connection Error:EOF'

Adb repeatedly keeps restarting with the following error trace: Adb connection Error:EOF Cannot reach ADB server, attempting to reconnect * daemon not running;

daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037

When I start the Android Studio, the following errors occur. I cannot create virtual device and cannot connect device via USB. * daemon not running; starti

The Flutter daemon has been terminated

Got a error when I launched the flutter app on VS Code I tried a lot of solutions on the internet but none worked, I also tried re-installing Windows but that t

IWD ap not starting: START_AP failed: -95

Interface is set to AP mode. When turning on ap it is giving "Operation not supported". [iwd]# ap wlan0 start "start_wpa2" password Operation not supported Outp

IWD ap not starting: START_AP failed: -95

Interface is set to AP mode. When turning on ap it is giving "Operation not supported". [iwd]# ap wlan0 start "start_wpa2" password Operation not supported Outp

How to kill the pm2 --no-daemon process

I'm using pm2 as the process manager of Node.js. In many cases, I think I will run it as a daemon process, but if you use it locally as debugging, I think that

Unable to find a usable idle daemon

I am trying to use Talon SRX with WPILib for First Robotics for Java in Visual Studio Code. I follow the instructions here: https://phoenix-documentation.readth

Docker Error response from daemon: Get dial tcp: lookup on

Docker Desktop Windows10 Error : Error response from daemon: Get dial tcp: lookup on re

Docker (compose) send to daemon mode without restart

Quite often, when I start my docker-composed app, I like to check that everything started correctly and everything's fine. So I do docker-compose up, look at t