Category "accessibilityservice"

How do I detect back/home press in an accessibility Service?

The title pretty much sums it up. I want to detect back/home button press using an Accessibility Service. It seems that onKeyEvent is not triggered when pressin

Accessibility Service is malfunctioning

I've been using an Accessibility service for a while now on my app. It used to work fine, but there's this message on the phone at the screen where you enable t

How to open Accessibility Settings of my app programmatically?

As mentioned here I can open Android Accessibility Settings page; I know I can open my app Accessibility Settings directly with this code: Intent intent = new

AccessibilityService on android studio doesn't work

i need to initialise an AccessibilityService with xml configuration, but the service doens't work... i don't understand why. can you help me ? code : manifest :

AccessibilityService not geting key event on softkey back,home button

My AccessibilityService work fine for physical back,home. but if user have device with soft navigation key (like nexus 4 ) it will not return key event here is

stopping Android Accessibility UI Component on softKey "HOME" Button pressed

Created "AccessibilityService" and am able to show Hints based on the Text Entered.The Problem is i want to stop the activity service when the Host application

Android: Is it possible to get other apps notification info?

I have question about Accessibility Service in Android. Can I catch a notification in status bar and get info from notification? My purpose is to catch notif

How to perform a touch and hold gesture using AccessibilityService?

Path clickPath = new Path(); clickPath.moveTo(x, y); GestureDescription.StrokeDescription clickStroke = new GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(clickPath, 0, 1