Category "slider"

how to change the Slider's thumb Material Component Android with image?

I am trying to use the slider in Material Design component, but stuck for styling the thumb. My design requirement needs shadow surrounding the thumb. From the

Slider in Apple store style

I know I would show some effort in this but I have no idea... I'm trying to make a slider like the one in the store section of Apple website.

Jetpack Compose Change Slider Thumb Size

Is there any way to change slider thumb size? I think for now we can only manipulate colors var sliderPosition by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) } Text(text = sl

Achieving the equivalent of Google CoLab @param markup in Jupyter without CoLab

Google Colab has some unique embedded markdown features which are not present in Jupyter markdown. For example, this produces a slider: #@title SEIR Model with

Jetpack Compose Slider in LazyColumn changing while scroll

I have a list that includes Slider the problem is when I scroll the slider detecting the tap event and change it, see attached gif The excepted behavior is whe

Access changed Slider value from another class in Flutter

I have a class that has a slider.adaptive in it and the whole layout with it. In my main class I call that slider class and declare values for the layout(title

Vertical carousel on scroll react

I want to have a section of the website which is fixed while to slide the carousel on scroll (vertically). Once you are at the last slide the scroll will let yo

can't move a Slider <input type="range"> with Cypress using arrowKeys

I'm trying to implement some tests here and can't apply my logic to the input range of this website: here m

How to inflate custom layout in Material tooltip of a Material slider in Android?

I was trying to achieve something similar to the below image by manipulating the Material tooltip inside the Material slider. I was able to achieve something s

Swiper.js slidesPerGroup or slidesPerView not grouping the odd items

I'm using Swiper.js for a slider on a website I'm building for a client. Their requirement is something like this: There are 10 items inside the slider, 4 will

Autoplay slider with javascript

im asked to make a autoplay slider but after learning javascript ... i still have no clue how to apply what i've learned ... Need some help .. Im asked to make

Problem with styling MUI Slider with pure CSS

In vain I try to style the mui slider with the help of CSS. The first approach it works perfectly. However, when refreshing the page, the slider is moved back t

Custom Gutenberg Block Slider

I am currently trying to wrap my head around the new world of Gutenberg Block development and React components, which is all fairly new territory for me. So far

Slick slider issue: displaying thumbnails in vertical columns

I'm using Slick slider and am trying to display the thumbnails as shown in the image below (2 images a row). I used the 'rows: 10' and 'slidesPerRow:2' function

slippry slider image slides displaying at once on page load

I'm using slippry slider for my carousel and the issue I have is that all the slides display in a list, then on page load then after about a second the slider f

How can I force two jupyter sliders to interact with one another (non-trivially)? Is "tag" available for handler?

I want to create two ipywidget sliders, say one with value x, the other with value 1-x. When I change one slider, the other one should be automatically changed

Does C# WinForms have a slider control?

Can someone guide me if C# WinForms has a slider control? I see WPF has it but it doesn't show up for me in WinForms what could be the problem?