Category "actionscript-3"

Syntax error: expecting rightparen before not

I'm required to use ActionScript 3.0 in Adobe Animate for my latest project. It is really difficult for me to understand because I'm still. If any of you guys c

How to replace HTMLLoader to display PDF inside air application

With the latest version of adobe air the component HTMLLoader has been removing. In my case, I used it to display pdf files inside my air application. if ( HTML

1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before colon

I'm new to ActionScript and I'm confused about these two errors. I already have some prior coding experience from other languages. Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', Fra

get var from inside a function to return it AS3

I have this static public function berechne() and I want this function to return data. But data is inside another function, so I can't access it outside the fun

How to find out the compilation time of an swf?

How can I find out when excactly SWF was created? Is there any free decompiler that can do the job? Thank you.

Overlapping sound in as3

Okay, so I am making a game, and I can't figure out how to keep the sound track from overlapping. When the game comes to a lose or win screen, I will click "Pla

How to call upon a color transform in AS3

If I use colortransform to set a color to an object is there any way I can call on that color through the parent? for example var color1 = new ColorTransform();

loop through object properties in flash

I have an object that gets properties added in this sequence. Home School living status sound Memory When I loop through the object they don't come out in t

Alert/ Dialog box in AS3

I am working on a app using Adobe flash Builder which should pop up a Alert window once a particular event has been triggered. Another event needs to be called

Convert pixel location to latitude/longitude & vise versa

I need to convert latitude longitude values into pixel positions as well as do the opposite. I've found many solutions to go from lat/lng->pixel, but can't f

Using ICC Profiles in as3/flex

I am creating a flash site where someone can customize a canvas. Then they can preview this canvas on the product. Because of the way monitors display colors, w

Flash Hit Test Object as3

Ok I need help to figure out how to make it when the stuntman collides with the hoop it adds one point but instead it detects the collision multiple times and a