Category "activex"

How to insert when pasting column?

In a worksheet I would like to copy and paste columns with a button. It should copy two columns and insert them in the first free column that it can find. For e

Object required for comboboxes/checkboxes that already exist on my worksheet?

Okay, totally noob coder here. I'm working on a sheet that has a repeating series of 1 combo box linked to one other combobox and a checkbox. Basically, the fir

Can macros be used to change properties of ActiveX Controls in Word?

I have a worksheet with multiple fillable fields (ActiveX Controls-- text, drop-down, dates, etc.) and essentially want the form to go to two parties. The first

In when calling a method from an instance of Outlook.Application, a pop up halts code execution

We have a windows application that creates an instance of Outlook.Application to open an email .MSG file, and save it as a .HTML by calling the Outlook.A

activex outlook bring to front

How to bring the outlook application in front which is opened from JavaScript using ActiveX.The following is the code in which I need to bring outlook window on

Empty ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") in IE 11

I am using ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); to help loadan XML file that I have. I know that IE 11 now support DOMparser, but after reading this stack mover f