Category "adb"

Android Studio Bumblebee : wifi pairing always getting disconnected

I manage to connect my device. But a few minutes after, it gets disconnected and I have to restart the whole connection procedure to connect it again. How to so

Adb keeps restarting with error 'Adb connection Error:EOF'

Adb repeatedly keeps restarting with the following error trace: Adb connection Error:EOF Cannot reach ADB server, attempting to reconnect * daemon not running;

how to return result in cmd if you use adb to send a broadcast

I have a BroadcastReceiver like this: class PlatformAccountReceiver: BroadcastReceiver(), CoroutineScope by MainScope() { override fun onReceive(co

Modify xml shared_prefs file using adb

I am trying to interact with android app shared_prefs using adb. Let's use VLC for this example. The shared preferences are stored in: /data/data/org.videolan.v

How to connect my realme phone for debuging

I want to Connect my realme narzo 10a phone to Android Studio I tried many times but got error 'Adb is Unable'

LD Player adb port number?

I am a React Native developer. I used to run my app on Nox. adb connect localhost:62001 react-native run-android --deviceId localhost:62001 Now, I want to run

daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037

When I start the Android Studio, the following errors occur. I cannot create virtual device and cannot connect device via USB. * daemon not running; starti

scrcpy not working while VISUAL STUDIO CODE is working

I'm using Ubuntu 20.10 and I have installed scrcpy to mirror my phone screen while creating flutter applications, but when I just open Vs code, scrcpy closes wi

Android Studio cannot find my device ! (Initializing ADB)

I'm struggling to connect my device(Galaxy S10) in Android Studio. I used several methods to solve this problem, but it didn't work. [Methods that I tried] -

How to use ADB command in Flutter

I'm writing a test application in Flutter to get data from available function/command in Android: in details I would like to access to Audio Codec device in ord

How to check adb access over ethernet?

I want to connect my Android device via ethernet to access adb. The device is not connected to any internet/wifi. The ethernet cable should connect the laptop w

Could not connect to TCP port: Connection refused when trying to open Expo app on Android Emulator in WSL2

I've been following this guide and so far have gotten to the point where WSL2 can see the emulator(s

IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio create ADB conflict: Could not connect to remote process

I use the latest release of IDEA (now 2021.2.2) to develop the backend (and running tests) and the latest of Android Studio (now 2020.3.1) for the mobile app. W

I'm using Expo App in my Android Device to connect into the my Desktop's Expo

I'm using Expo App on my Android device to connect to my Desktop (Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS) Expo (I signed in both my same Expo Account)I am also connected to the sam

Simulate Bluetooth "Out of range" scenarios for test automation

I've an Android phone which needs to be paired with an embedded device (Qt based application on Linux) which we test. I've automated the basic scenarios using A

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED: Invalid apk] in android

I am using Android Studio 3.0.1. When i am trying to run app INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED: Invalid apk error occurs. I also disable Instant Run.

How to prevent adb client from auto starting adb server?

It seems like whenever adb client cannot communicate with adb server, it automatically starts it. Is there a way to prevent adb server from automatically starti

Broadcast receiver not working for INITIALIZE_PROGRAMS action

I'm developing an Android TV app, and I'm setting up a broadcast receiver to run a work class when the user installs the app. Following the Google documentation

How can I launch the Samsung RTL Client JNLP to use adb? (instead of the new web Client)

I want to debug my Android app for some bug that happens only on some Samsung devices so I tried using Samsung Remote Test Lab. But I want to debug using adb or

How can I launch the Samsung RTL Client JNLP to use adb? (instead of the new web Client)

I want to debug my Android app for some bug that happens only on some Samsung devices so I tried using Samsung Remote Test Lab. But I want to debug using adb or