Category "adb"

Getting IMEI number using ADB commands Android 12

For android versions before 11 I was using the below command to get IMEI number from my device: adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 4 | cut -c 52-66 | tr -d '

Android Studio BumbleBee pair wifi not working

I am trying to connect my Android 11 device with the android studio over adb wifi but it is not working. I updated to the latest stable bumblebee and updated my

How to debug over wifi with Android Studio

I am trying to set up to debug an Android app on a tablet (running 6.0.1) over wifi (not over USB, because the app needs hardware plugged into the USB port). G

What exactly is the difference between physical density and physical density of a device?

I have created a function to calculate diagonal screen size based on the resolution and pixel density. viz- def find_display_size(d): width=float(720); he

Where is adb located when installing Unity and Android SDK for Mac?

I'm getting Android Build Failures and would like to locate adb to do some queries like adb devices but where is adb installed? I've already installed the Andro

Android Studio 'Loading Devices' unable to active

I am facing a problem, My android studio application. Loading Devices is disabling. I tried many ways to resolve that. but nothing didn't work. -Create a New Pr

ADB exec-out not working

I'm trying to capture my android emulator screen using ADB commands, but when I execute the command nothing happens, no error and no image, this is the command

How does adb find the USB port #?

When I run "adb devices -l", it is able to display the USB port info as "usb:xxxxxxx". Does anyone know how adb pulls this info? I'm trying to figure out how I

ADB equivalent for iOS device

I was looking some instrument like Android ADB in order to debug iOS devices. I've found iOS instrument, a tool of the XCode that is able to debug app on mobile

ADB Android Device Unauthorized

Since I reinstalled Eclipse (simply deleted and downloaded it again) I can't debug my applications on Samsung Galaxy i9001 (with CyanogenMod - Android 4.4.2). I

ADB Android Device Unauthorized

Since I reinstalled Eclipse (simply deleted and downloaded it again) I can't debug my applications on Samsung Galaxy i9001 (with CyanogenMod - Android 4.4.2). I

Android 11 wifi adb error "Unable to start pairing client"

I downloaded the latest platform-tools for windows, then I enabled developer mode on my phone and turned on adb over wifi. However after I enter the command adb

How to use my phone as ''emulator'' on Android Studio?

I know I can use my phone to debug and run application on Android Studio. However, I'd like to know if there is a way to run on my phone, but I see on my comput

INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED : android studio using redmi 4 device

Got this freaky error Installation failed with message Failed to finalize session : INSTALL_FAILED_USER_RESTRICTED: Install canceled by user. It is possible th

Use adb screenrecord command to mirror Android screen to PC via USB

I've tried the suggestion from fadden to mirror the Android screen to PC, but the vlc player screen show nothing: What would be the correct commands lines f

Unable to connect to ADB server

Previously I was able to connect Android Studio to Samsung Galaxy S4 and muz uPAD tablet. But then I encountered ADB problem. it says ADB is not responding. No

Adb reverse tcp not working on android connected remotely

I am trying to execute reverse tcp command on a android device connected remotely(using adb connect <ip-address>). But I am getting following error while

Connecting to a USB Android device in a Docker container via ADB

I have created a Docker image which contains the Android SDK and am trying to expose my Android phone in a container running this image. So I used the --privile

ADB server version (36) doesn't match this client (39); killing [duplicate]

After installing the Android O preview on a test device my ADB stopped working and started giving me this error. adb server version (36) doesn

adb command not found

I need to run an adb forward command before I could use the ezkeyboard application which allows user to type on the phone using browser. When I run adb forwar