So I insert admob ads inside the List. And I added the functionality of infinity scroll inside the list view. So when the user scrolls to end of the list, new i
I have created a function to show interstitial ad before showing another activity. It's working but onAdDismissedFullScreenContent is being called 2-3 sec latel
I am trying to load interstitial advertisements for my app. Whenever I try to load these ads I get a Error saying "No Ads Config" from Domain "
I have integrated AdMob into my android app and I am using test id to show ads. but whenever I run the app it always goes to onAdFailedToLoad method and I am ge
I have developed an android application and integrated AdMob using Flutter framework and deployed it. Suppose someone revealed my app ID and does malicious traf
In my flutter app , admob ads are already showing , I want to show unity ads via admob mediation. How to setup unity ads in flutter app via admob mediation?
I implemented a video ad using react-native-admob. When I built it this morning, the app that should have worked properly suddenly failed to build. > Task :r
When I try to compile my project I received the following error: C:\..\ error: cannot find symbol adView = findViewById(
We are trying to implement the Mediation Test Suite but, we are getting the following error message: Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_kGADSimulato
I'm trying to implement AdMob open ad in a SwiftUI project using Google's documentation: The problem is th
I wanted to ask where should I keep my AdMob ad unit IDs? Is it wrong to keep it in the strings.xml inside my Android Project? And what happens if someone get
I'm showing interstitial ad in my app and ads are loading and displaying perfectly but the issue is that ads are not closing when I click cross button on back b
My ads do not work for 2 months and DONT HAVE ANY INFO ABOUT WHY. This problem drives me crazy. Hello, I have a big problem with AdMob (their support form does
I used the latest version of the AdMob plugin & unity Mediation plugin. but I still get this error, How do I solve the "Undefined symbols for architecture a
Too many recently failed requests for ad unit ID: ca-app-pub-XXXX. You must wait a few seconds before making another ad request. I erased all contents of simula
I am having the Admob problem its working fine with test AppId and AdUnitId on emulator and real device. both the devices show the "Nice Job" test Ads Afte
Hello I am trying to use Admob ads on my app but ads are not displaying. I am getting this error: "Code": 3, "Message": "No ad config.", "Domain": "
Admob for Android emulator IPixel_2_API_S:5554) hangs a lot with errors/warnings. It looks like something to do with, which I be
I am trying to show a rewarded ad (with admob) plus when my function is called. I tried with Interstitial too but nothing shown. I am using google test ads and
I am trying to show a rewarded ad (with admob) plus when my function is called. I tried with Interstitial too but nothing shown. I am using google test ads and