Category "angular-ui-router"

How can I save the state of a component after navigating to another component in Angular 8

I have 2 components: HomeComponent and CityComponent. They do not have any relationship. After navigating back to the HomeComponent, the state of the CityCompon

Get Angular Child routes from API

I want to get child routes from a database table. Can anyone please tell me how to call an api endpoint and bind the response to build child routes for a partic

Angular-router not works at vercel

I'm working on the serverless web MEAN and I'm trying to publish on vercel. When I'm trying to access some route through the navigation menu, the router is work

angular 7: Server Side Pagination Using Angular Material

I am using Angular 7 and Angular Material as server-side pagination. I got problem with this matter. The problem is the pagination become like this. I want t

How to see what states are configured in AngularJS / UI-Router?

Is there a way to see all of the states that have been set on $stateProvider? In this case, I would like my state assignments to be distributed across many fil