This is sort of a part two to the question Trying to print hex string with CryptoJS Basically, I have a function that uses CryptoJS to encrypt a message and spi
I am tying to implement Intilization vector 4 the issue I am facing is I am able to encrypt my text using intilization vector4 algorithm but when it comes to de
anyone havean idea how can i generate a key for aes encryption in dart from iv and password? like this code written in C#: var spec = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(En
i have a lot of LINK error when i'm trying to use the evp aes encryption template code from OpenSSL documentation :
I am trying to use CryptoJS to encrypt something and then generate a hexadecimal string of the encrypted text. function EncryptAES(text, key) { var encrypted
I have an encrypted ZIP file and for some reason, any password I feed it doesn't seem to matter as it can add files to the archive regardless.
I'm storing AES decryption key in AndroidKeyStore to decrypt data from SQLiteDB. Unfortunately, sometimes I get this error (Any android device and any API) rare
Finally I am able to get the output in base64 format by using the "-a" switch; there is any hexadecimal switch that I can use? echo '0: 63616e74676574746869733
I'm new to encryption. i want to create public seckey from data but i always get nil. Please help me. I need this public key as seckey to create a shared secret
I am using Example of AES using Crypto++. I want to encrypt with this key: std::string key = "mykey"; Allocate memory for key byte key[ CryptoPP::AES::DEFAU
I had a tomcat server with Spnego SSO setting, it works well with no issues. Now I want to add an Apache server in front of it to enable SSL. The Apache server
I had a tomcat server with Spnego SSO setting, it works well with no issues. Now I want to add an Apache server in front of it to enable SSL. The Apache server
In the Rijndael AES proposal in section 2.1.2 they have chosen m(x) = x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x + 1 and said it is an irreducible polynomial. This polynomial correspo
I was wondering, is there any difference, if I init AES cipher, with and without IvParameterSpec? With IvParameterSpec SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeyS
I'm trying to learn a bit about cryptography and am trying to use AES decryption with the crypto++ library in c++. I have a ciphertext string and a key string.
I have the following code: var encryptedByteArray: Array<UInt8>? do { let aes = try AES(key: "passwordpassword", iv: "drowssapdrowssap") encrypt
I am trying to encrypt and decrypt chat messages for my app using this code String decrypt(String encrypted, {String key, String iv}) { final key = Key.fromUt
I haven't written encryption in a while and have forgotten some stuff. I remember that to have the output be different for the same data using the same key, I w