Category "serialization"

Deserializing a struct with custom data types

I am trying to #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)] some structs that involve other custom structs, so I can transform them in and out of JSON, for example: #[deri

DRF --405 Method not allowed for update operation

I have done this before and may be it did work properly that time but now suddenly it's not working as it's expected to be. The class ProfileView

Django dumpdata serializing an int as string

I've been trying to make a custom class/type, defined in a separate file, to be properly serialized as an int when doing a dumpdata command, but

Why am I getting a JsonDecodingException exception in kotlinx.serialization?

I'm trying to create a custom deserializer using kotlinx.serialization but when I deerialize a JSON payload with null parameters, an exception kotlinx.serializa

How to serialize multi-types Collection with IXmlSerializable

I'm writing an xml that seem decent to me but i have issue reading into last collection. Xml <SWorkspace Title="Default" NosWorkSpaceGuid="69c4d731-a44d-4

Laravel trying to save $appends attributes

I am coding on Laravel 6, and stumbled up on this problem. I have accessors for a field that i need in my model in some cases, but it does not exist in my datab

Can I serialize a class by casting it to a char*

In C++, can I cast a class or some data to a void*, then to a char* to serialize it? If so, how would I de-serialize? I don't really care about portability. cla

access objects in pyspark user-defined function from outer scope, avoid PicklingError: Could not serialize object

How do I avoid initializing a class within a pyspark user-defined function? Here is an example. Creating a spark session and DataFrame representing four latitu

Serialising order annotations for XML on Jackson does not work

I already googled this problem for almost a day and tried several fixes (including 4 or 5 from StackOverflow) but none of them worked. I have this POJO with ann

How do I serialize non-ascii characters in pykafka?

I have a defauldict I want to serialize as json. But some characters then replaced with unicode escaped charasters. For example, if I have string "International

Save multiple objects serializers only if both of them are valid

I have multiple serializers objects that comes from the request as json file. I want to store them inside databases only if they are Valid (all of them must be

Django. How to save serialized and validated data?

I have a Car model with name, model and serial number fields. In which the combination of the name and model fields must be unique. I am using serializers.Model

Pydantic enum field does not get converted to string

I am trying to restrict one field in a class to an enum. However, when I try to get a dictionary out of class, it doesn't get converted to string. Instead it re

MessagePack subtype serialization

Serialization/deserialization turns a collection of a base type with child-type items in it into a collection with base type items only. Is there a way to set u

SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'id_utilisateur_id' cannot be null

I am a computer science student. And I have a problem while creating an API. Here is my controller allowing the addition of a "Personnage". (POST) #[Route('/api

Multiple objects serialization

I am making a ToDoList-Console app that needs serialisation of multiple objects. There are 2 task classes: Simple task Complex task I need a method that seriali

Jackson deserializer for generic type

I need to write a custom deserializer for a class with generics. I couldn't find a way to do this, however I cannot imagine I'm the only one with this problem.

Object of type <> is not JSON serializable Django REST Framework

I am trying to create a search function inside my class-based view using Django Rest Framework, but it does not seems to work. when I try to search for some cus

How to deserialize interfaces with Newtonsoft Json.Net

I have this class hierarchy : public class ProxyBotsSnapshotLogEntryDetails : IBotsSnapshotLogEntryDetails { public ICollection<IBotSnapshot> Snapsho

Fastest way to dump nested dict to the hard drive

I have a big (several Gigs) nested dictionary of this structure: { string1: {string1_1: int1_1, string1_2: int1_2, ...}, string2: {string2_1: int2_1, strin