Category "aframe"

Updated Question - How to set the correct device camera with ARJS and Aframe?

I'm using the aframe with ARJS to build an Augmented Reality app. What I'm trying to do is to set the camera to stay fixed with my device camera. when I run my

Aframe dynamic importing of gltf file

So I have a simply gltf file and i would like to import it with a-frame during runtime. I already tried to convert the gltf string to a URL and load it, however

Starting with AR.js the documentation example does not work

I'm starting with AR.js and having plenty of issues, so I tried re-starting again with the basics. I do want to put a gltf file on top of a custom marker I went

ar.js/Aframe multiple objects on location based tracking not working properly

Im using ar.js with aframe to load multiple objects into an a-scene but instead of seeing the objects where they are supposed to be (according to map coord/latl

How to display distance in AR.JS How to show distance in location based ar.js in JavaScript like this? I build a-image and I want to show something lik

Trouble setting dynamic room name in network a-frame

I'm having two a-texts both directs to same html <a-text navigate="url: http://../room.html" color="green" position="0 2 0" value="Room 1"></a-text>

A-frame consitatnly animate gltf to go to position of camera A-frame

I am creating a vr scene using A-frame ( and I am wondering how can I animate a gltf model to always follow the camera. For example, I would l

How can I use CSS3DRenderer in a-frame?

I am trying to reproduce this example in a-frame: According to the code is using CSS3DRenderer but I couldn'

A-Frame. Zoom on wheel scroll

I've come through the official docs but wasn't able to locate information about how possibility of zooming in/out panorama images, is it supported in the A-Fram

A-Frame. Zoom on wheel scroll

I've come through the official docs but wasn't able to locate information about how possibility of zooming in/out panorama images, is it supported in the A-Fram

networked aframe not working correctly with A-frame version 1.2

Problem Hi, I am creating a networked A-frame scene using a starting project. The project however, using an obsolete version of A-frame that isn't comp addable

location-based Ar: position is not accurate

I'm using ar.js/a-farme to put GPS entities My problem is that the position of the entities is not accurate and it is moving with me (not stable). even that the

A-frame button onClick changes object

I'm trying to create something in A-frame ( where when a button onclick event happens, a cube will change colors. Here is my current code: <script

A-frame set sphere color to variable

I am trying to figure out a way to take a sphere in my scene and set the color of the sphere to a variable. How can I achieve this? I would also like it to upda

Can't apply texture graphic to box in A-Frame basic scene

I am going through the Basic Scene demo for A-Frame. When I get to the Applying Image Texture

Network a-frame with nav-mesh or collision is not working. Either of one is working and not both

I'm using camera attached to head template also added this camera inside a rig and that rig is constrained to nav-mesh but only one is working either movement c